Django Framework: Must learn these django packages in 2024

15 Mar 2024 . 3 min read

Django is one of the most popular and advanced frameworks for building full-stack applications. Major companies like Instagram, Spotify, and YouTube rely heavily on Django. In 2024, learning Django is an excellent idea, and mastering its key packages will make you a more skilled Django developer.

Let's see which all are the packages, that you must need to learn in year 2024 :

1. Django REST Framework

Django REST Framework is one of the most popular tool or packages that is build top of django for building powerful REST API's. It provides a set of tools and utilities for building RESTful APIs in Django, making it easier to develop and maintain API.

Here is the some key features of Django REST Framework :

1. Serialization: DRF provides powerful serializers class, that allow Serialization, let's you to convert the complex data like queryset's into python native data types like Dictionary, so that it can easily loads into json and response to frontend. It also allow DeSerialization, let's you to convert the json data into python native data type like Dictionary, so that it can easily save to database.

2. View Classes: DRF includes a varities of view classes, that actually help you to build powerful api using APIView, Viewset, GenericAPIView etc.

3. Pagination: DRF provides variety of pagination options, let's you to split large result sets into individual pages. It provides different pagination styles like PageNumberPagination, LimitOffsetPagination, CursorPagination or even you can create your own custom pagination.

4. Authentication & Permission: DRF includes built-in support for authentication and permissions. It allow you to restrict access to your API endpoints. It also provide an option to create you own custom authentication and permission.

To install Django Rest Framework use this command:

pip install djangorestframework

Here is how you can create a basic rest api using Django Rest framework :

  1. #
  2. from rest_framework import serializers
  3. from django.contrib.auth.models import User
  4. class UserSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
  5.     class Meta:
  6.         model = User
  7.         fields = '__all__'
  8. #
  9. from rest_framework import generics
  10. from django.contrib.auth.models import User
  11. from .serializers import UserSerializer
  12. class UserListCreateAPIView(generics. ListCreateAPIView):
  13.     queryset = User.objects.all()
  14.     serializer_class = UserSerializer
  15. #
  16. from django.urls import path
  17. from .views import UserListCreateAPIView
  18. urlpatterns = [
  19.     path('api/users/',UserListCreateAPIView.as_view(), name='user-list-create'),
  20. ]
  21. #
  23.     'rest_framework',
  24. ]

2. Django Allauth

Django Allauth is the most popular django package for authentication. It provides a set of views, forms, and templates to handle user authentication, registration, password management, and other social authentication like Google, Facebook, Github etc.

Here is the some key features of Django Allauth package:

1. Social Authentication : Django Allauth package provides variety of popular social authentication like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Github etc., allowing users to sign in using their social media accounts.

2. Account management: Users can manage their account settings, including profile data and email preferences.

3. Password management: Allauth supports password reset, change, and recovery functionalities.

4. Email confirmation: It includes email verification flows to confirm user email addresses during registration.

To install Django Allauth package use this command:

pip install django-allauth

To setup the django Allauth package follow these steps :

1. After installation, you need to add 'allauth' and 'allauth.account' to your INSTALLED_APPS in your Django settings file.
  2.     'allauth',
  3.     'allauth.account',
  4. ]

2. Next include Allauth URLs in your project's URL configuration:
  1. from django.urls import path, include
  2. urlpatterns = [
  3.     path('accounts/',include("allauth.urls")'),
  4. ]

3. Django Celery

Django Celery package is one of the most popular package to implement background task or a long running task into a django application. A Django Celery is a powerful asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing.

To install Django Celery package use this command:

pip install django-celery celery

4. Django Channels

Django Channels is one of the most popular package for handling Web Sockets, HTTP/2 and other asynchronous protocols. It allow django application to handle real-time duplex communication between clients and server. By using django channels we can build chat applications, live notification features etc.

To install Django Channels package use this command:

pip install channels

Django CORS Headers

Django CORS Headers is a most used package for handling Cross Origin Resources Sharing (CORS) headers. It allow you to control access to your django application from web pages (frontend applications) hosted on other domains.

To install Django CORS Headers use this command:

pip install django-cors-headers

To setup the Django CORS Headers package follow these steps :

1. After installation, you need to add 'corsheaders' to your INSTALLED_APPS and 'corsheaders.middleware.CorsMiddleware' to the MIDDLEWARE in your Django settings file.
  2.     'corsheaders',
  3. ]

2. Next add 'corsheaders.middleware.CorsMiddleware' to the MIDDLEWARE in your Django settings file. Make sure it's placed before django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware.
  2.     'corsheaders.middleware.CorsMiddleware',
  3. ]

3. Next configure CORS settings in your Django settings file. You can specify which origins are allowed.
  2.     'http://localhost:3000',
  3.     'http://localhost:8080',
  4. ]

6. Django Debug Toolbar

Django Debug Toolbar is another amazing django package, that provides a beautiful UI with set of pannels that display a various debug information about the current request/response cycle, database queries information etc., that quite helpful in analyzing the performance and behavior of your Django application.

To install Django Debug Toolbar use this command:

pip install django-debug-toolbar

To setup the Django Debug Toolbar package follow these steps :

1. Add 'debug_toolbar' to the INSTALLED_APPS list in your Django settings file.
  2.     'debug_toolbar',
  3. ]

2. Add the Debug Toolbar middleware to your MIDDLEWARE setting. Make sure it's at the top of the list so it runs early in the request/response cycle.
  2.     ''debug_toolbar.middleware.DebugToolbarMiddleware',',
  3. ]

3. Configure Internal IPs
  2.     ''',',
  3. ]

4. Add the Debug Toolbar URL pattern to your for development purposes only:
  1. from django.urls import path, include
  2. urlpatterns = [
  3.     path('__debug__/',include("debug_toolbar.urls")'),
  4. ]


That's it. These are the just few examples of django packages that you should must learn. There are many more packages available in django for various purpose. You can explore the Django Packages website to discover more packages and find ones that suit your project's needs.